Concert in the Park 2016


The 10th Anniversary year 

CONCERT INFO SHEETS – links are in your email
Friday, August 12, arrive 5:40 to tune. Run-thru at 6:00pm, Pecan Park New Territory, Dress Rehearsal for Concert in the Park followed by a pizza party at the park
Saturday, August 13, arrive 6:30 to tune, concert at 7:00pm, Pecan Park, New Territory, Sugar Land

Concert order for concerts listed above:

Top 10 Countdown for Concert in the Park
10 – Mozart Concerto #4 and Salut d’Amour
9 – Mozart Concerto #5 and Ryan’s Rant
8 – Tambourin, Gretry and Milk Cow Blues
7 – Handel Sonata in A and Irish Washerwoman
6 – Fiocco Allegro and Patrick’s Reel
5 – German Dance and Soldier’s Joy
4 – Seitz 2/3 and French Folk Song
3 – Gavotte in G Minor and Still Reeling
2 – Boccherini Minuet and Boogie Woogie
1 – Twinkles and Chopsticks in Chinatown


MUSIC for Concert in the Park 2016

As always, play all the pieces you know up to your current level. Advanced students are encouraged to play harmony parts. You are encouraged to learn as much music outside the Suzuki books as you are comfortable with at your current level of study. The concert music will be chosen from the list below (see concert order listed above). All music will be MEMORIZED! Please review your Book 1 pieces in the key of D Major (down one string) for the cellists. Also, sometimes, music selections may change or some may be cut (to keep the concert from being too long). We appreciate your flexibility!


Boogie Woogie

Sheet music for Boogie Woogie violin page 1   Boogie Woogie violin page 2

Boogie Woogie easy harmony (open strings)



Chopsticks in Chinatown

Chopsticks in Chinatown – slow tempo

Chopsticks in Chinatown – harmony part

Sheet music for Chopsticks in Chinatown violin


Irish Washerwoman practice tempo

Irish Washerwoman harmony 2

Irish Washerwoman harmony 3

Sheet music for Irish Washerwoman violin with harmony parts
Sheet music for Irish Washerwoman viola with harmony parts
Sheet music for Irish Washerwoman cello with harmony parts


Soldier’s Joy

Sheet music for Soldiers Joy
Sheet Music for Soldiers Joy viola
Sheet music for Soldiers Joy – cello

Soldier’s Joy – easy violin

Sheet music for Soldier’s Joy – easy violin

Soldier’s Joy variation

Sheet music for Soldiers Joy var


Still Reeling

Sheet music for Still Reeling Fiddle Tune violin
Sheet music for Still Reeling Viola
Sheet music for Still Reeling – Cello 

Still Reeling – practice tempo

Verse 1 practice tempo

 Verse 2 practice tempo

Verse 3 practice tempo


Still Reeling – easy violin harmony part

Sheet music for Still Reeling harmony violin
Sheet music for Still Reeling harmony viola
Sheet music for Still Reeling harmony cello


Milk Cow Blues

Sheet music for Milk Cow Blues

 Milk Cow Blues Twin Fiddle (Harmony)

 Sheet music for Milk Cow Blues Twin Fiddle (Harmony)

Ryan’s Rant

Ryan’s Rant sheet music violin Ryan’s Rant page 1  Ryan’s Rant page 2


Patrick’s Reel

Patrick’s Reel Practice tempo

Sheet music for Patrick’s Reel violin
Sheet music for Patrick’s Reel violin with easy harmony
Sheet music for Patrick’s Reel viola with easy harmony

Sheet music for Patricks Reel cello


Salut d’Amour

Sheet music for Salut d’Amour violins page 1   Salut d’Amour violins page 2


Twinkle harmony in A

Sheet music for Twinkle Harmony and London Twinkle in A violin
Sheet music for Twinkle Harmony and London Twinkle in A viola
Sheet music for Twinkle Harmony and London Twinkle in A cello

Boccherini Minuet
Sheet music for Boccherini Minuet violin harmony
Sheet music for Boccherini Minuet viola harmony
Sheet music for Boccherini Minuet cello harmony

Gavotte in G Minor (Book 3)
Sheet music for Gavotte in G minor violin harmony
Sheet music for Gavotte in G minor cello harmony

Seitz Concerto No. 2, 3rd mvt. (Book 4)
Sheet music for Seitz 2-3 cello harmony

German Dance, Dittersdorf (Book 5)
Sheet music for German Dance harmony violin

Fiocco Allegro (book 6)
Sheet music for Fiocco Allegro harmony violin

Handel Sonata in A Major, 4th mvt (Book 7)
Sheet music for Handel Sonata (revised) violin

Gretry Tambourin (Book 8)
Sheet music for Tambourin (revised) violin
Sheet music for Tambourin harmony violin

Mozart Concerto No. 5 (Book 9)
Sheet music for Mozart Concerto No. 5 violin
Sheet music for Mozart Concerto No. 5 harmony 2 violin

Sheet music for Mozart Concerto No. 5 harmony 3 violin

Mozart Concerto No. 4 (Book 10)
Sheet music for Mozart Concerto No. 4


Downloadable audio files (.mp3 files)

click to play or right click and select “download link” (or select the appropriate instruction that appears in your browser)

Chopsticks in Chinatown – slow tempo

Chopsticks in Chinatown – fast tempo

Chopsticks in Chinatown harmony

Boogie Woogie      Boogie Woogie open string harmony

Soldier’s Joy           Soldiers Joy Beginner Part

Still Reeling

Still Reeling – practice tempo

Still Reeling Verse 1 – practice tempo

Still Reeling Verse 2 – practice tempo

Still Reeling Verse 3 practice tempo